Encouragement for Action 2021 goes to…
September 1, 2021
Encouragement for Action was instituted in 2018 by Stockholm Fashion District with the purpose to encourage new ideas, new technology and new business models in the fashion industry. Today, for the fourth time, we gather to give our encouragement to Swedish fashion pioneers.
With the Stockholm skyline as a backdrop and in the context of a dawning shift in attitude, from talking about sustainability towards taking responsibility, the fashion industry in Sweden with honored guests gathered for Encouragement for Action 2021.
“It is not easy to pave new ground, therefore we must encourage brave decision makers to listen to their inner voice so that others can follow their good example. Change begins with a positive choice that becomes many choices in many places.” says Janike Eleby, Project Manager on the idea behind Encouragement for Action.
A sustainable seam is woven into all parts of the business models that sees the light of day in Sweden today. At the same time, good intentions must be examined more closely. This was the subject of the talks that framed the award ceremony.
“In order to make fashion more sustainable, it is necessary that we place it in a larger cultural context, in this way connecting specific fashion-related issues with how we live our lives, what we view as valuable and how we understand what is ‘meaningful’ in our existence.” Philip Warkander, Senior Lecturer in fashion science at Lund University and chairman of Encouragement for Action’s ethics council, said in his talk during the ceremony.
The talks are available as a podcast, please contact us with your interest.
Closing the Loop
Two important principles for the circular economy are to keep products and materials in use and to separate value-creation from the need for virgin raw materials.
This year’s winner in the Closing the Loop category has created a concept that not only fits well with these principles, but also means an attractive, inspiring and fun way for fashion enthusiasts to consume more sustainably.
The winner is…
Fashion Retail Talks Sustainability
When product meets customer, a choice is made. A more sustainable choice demands a well thought out range, transparency, information, high set goals and, not to say the least, knowledgeable staff in a physical store and online to answer questions and give service. The winner of this category has stubbornly worked with its collections and production to make it as sustainable as possible. Through continuous communication with the customer in both the digital and physical store they show the customer the way to a more sustainable choice.
The winner is…
Fashion Innovation
The Fashion Innovation category is each year awarded to a company that has gazed a bit further into the future and with the help of innovation, has contributed to a more sustainable fashion industry.
The coloring of thread and fabrics often require very large resources of water which, together with residual waste and chemicals, are discharged into our lakes and seas.
This year’s winner has, with the help of new technology, created a process that color each single thread without water while in production. No water pollution and no residual waste. A technology that, in the near future, can be scaled and with the same principle be used for fabrics, knitts and more.
This year’s winner have, with their digital technology, created the possibility for a positive and sustainable change in the future fashion industry and has once again shown that Sweden is a country with a strong innovation force.
The winner is…
Sustainable Identity
In an industry with so much excess, this year’s winner have shown that versatility, creativity and style can be garnered from unwanted textiles since their very first collection. No one needs to question what this Swedish designer duo stands for as their story cannot be told without them taking a stand and telling the tale of their choices. Retro fabrics, leftover layers and second hand 100% wool rugs collected in Sweden are all made into high fashion at Göteborgs Syfabrik on Sweden’s west coast.
The winner of this category will give us luxury fashion in a new way for the future.
The winner is…
Rave Review
Thank you!
A warm thank you for your commitment to Encouragement for Actions’ patrons Alecta, BMW Bilia Group, Nacka Municipality and Stockholm – The capital of Scandinavia, the ethics council, jury groups and partner organizations.
Janike Eleby, Project Manager, Encouragement for Action
+46 70 307 85 59, janike@stockholmfashiondistrict.se
Helena Waker, CEO, Stockholm Fashion District
+46 70 607 08 34, helena@stockholmfashiondistrict.se
About Stockholm Fashion District (SFD)
Stockholm Fashion District is an innovative and unique community and business venue with digital and physical showrooms open 365 days a year, fashion weeks with a focus on trade that brings together Swedish and international brands and buyers, textile events and forums for creativity and creation as well as the possibility for further development at seminars and workshops. The district is visited annually by designers, e-commerce, retail, international delegations, stakeholders and other fashion enthusiasts.
Association of Trade Partners Sweden was founded in 1914 and has extensive experience in improving the opportunity for business for companies, including through business venues. Trade Partners Sweden is the founder of and run Stockholm Fashion District and under our roof, trade fairs and digital network meetings are arranged for industries such as interior design, fashion, shoes & textiles.