Note by Syversen
Syversen started the distribution of Eton Socks in the late 60’s. It was originally a Danish brand, produced at Fyens Strømpefabrikk in Odense, Denmark.
Fyen’s factory was one of the largest in the Nordic region, but perhaps most importantly – they collaborated with Camp Socks in the United States, and were therefore far ahead in product development and design.
Eton Socks produced high quality socks with lycra, in a wide range of colors and contemporary designs. We started with men’s socks, launched Eton Lady after a few years and then Eton kids socks.
In addition to selling quality and design, we made a revolution in the trade industry with ideas from distribution in the grocery trade – Frequent and regular customer visits with delivery directly from our van.
Due to Eton shirts and Eton Fashion AB we are not allowed to sell the brand Eton socks outside Norway. Therefore, we are launching Note By Syversen in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics, and starting an exciting new chapter. Our first owned international brand, with the same DNA around philosophy, quality and design as Eton, produced by the same skilled people, but with a new fresh look and renewal of the brand name.
- Linda Jonsson
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